Spirituality for Seekers is a website which focuses on how to create a spiritual path that works for you, and how to thrive as an independent spiritual practitioner.
It is based on the idea that no single religion or philosophy has all of the answers, but that almost all contain at least a few ideas, principles or practices which can be beneficial.
If you are willing to explore a range of different ideas, and you are open to allowing your intuition and life itself to be your greatest teachers, then you have all that you need to create a personal spiritual path for yourself which is both rewarding and deeply fulfilling.
Spirituality for Seekers quotes from a variety of spiritual and philosophical texts, so please do not be surprised when you encounter relevant snippets from the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius and more. Some of my posts also quote, where necessary or useful, from a range of more modern texts and publications.
As demonstrated above, Amazon links (which open in a new browser tab) are provided for all titles cited so that those of you who wish to study them further can do so. The cost of books purchased via these links is exactly the same as when visiting Amazon directly, but I do receive a small commission for my recommendations if a purchase is made, and this helps me to cover the ongoing costs associated with running this site.
Spirituality for Seekers allows me to share my own ideas about spirituality, and to help those of you who would like to create a spiritual path of your own. This is not something which can be achieved overnight, for a Seeker never really stops seeking, and there is always more to be discovered, so please bookmark this site for future visits.
Finally, I should mention that, whilst most of my posts can be read in whatever order you wish, a handful of introductory posts were purposefully written to be read in chronological order. Those introductory posts can be found on the Orientation page, so I would recommend that you begin your journey there before exploring the rest of the site.
With all of that said, welcome to Spirituality for Seekers, and I hope that you find your time here useful.