This page has been created for the benefit of those who wish to read my Spirituality for Seekers posts in the order they were first published. Whilst a chronological reading of all posts is by no means necessary (provided you have already acquainted yourself with the six posts detailed on the Orientation page), it can be a good way for new readers to catch up at their own pace.
The Parable of The Island tells the story of a man who finds himself on a desert island with no memory of who he is, how he got there, or why.
What is a Seeker? A Seeker is someone who investigates spiritual matters for themselves, rather than blindly adopting the ‘truth’ of any existing tradition.
What is Spirituality? Spirituality is a way of being that concerns itself with our understanding and experience of the higher and often intangible aspects of human life.
Spirituality Matters Spirituality matters because your spiritual perspective is something that affects every other aspect of your life.
The Truth Will Set You Free The Seeker’s journey is an ongoing quest for truth, but spiritual truth is often far more difficult to pin down than most people would like.
The Concept of God It will quickly become apparent to the Seeker that there are just as many concepts of God as there are traditions in the world.
The Ultimate Authority One of the best things about creating your own spiritual path is that you get to fully embrace the concept of being the ultimate authority in your life.
Establishing a Daily Spiritual Practice A daily spiritual practice is a regular period of time in which you can reflect on spiritual matters and work with whatever ideas appeal to you.
Silence and Solitude A key practice in almost all spiritual traditions is spending time in silence and solitude, and it can be just as fruitful today as it was in previous times.
Spiritual reading is a practice which can be a very useful way of exploring the ideas and understandings of Seekers who have gone before you.
Spiritual Journaling Spiritual journaling is the act of writing down spiritual observations, intentions, insights, experiences and progress on a regular basis.
Practicing Gratitude Gratitude is a word which is normally used to describe a feeling of being grateful for something, but it can also be a powerful spiritual practice in its own right.
How to Handle Stress Stress is one of the most common problems that people face in life, but the good news is that it is something which can be handled quite effectively by anyone who is willing to adopt a more spiritual approach to life.
The Power of Belief A belief is any idea that an individual accepts as being true, and all human beings hold a significant number of them at any given time. Beliefs are important because they serve as filters between the facts of life and your experience of those facts.
How to Create a Sacred Space A sacred space is one that evokes a sense of calm and quiet, and serves as an oasis of peace and stillness no matter how hectic your life may be.
Universal Spiritual Principles Universal spiritual principles are ones which are common to multiple paths and traditions and are therefore well worth your investigation and consideration.
The Creative Principle This principle states that there is a Creative Principle at work in the universe which is all-knowing, all-powerful and in all places.
The Spiritual Principle The Spiritual Principle states that there is more to you than flesh and blood and that you are in fact a spiritual being who is currently having a physical experience.
The Immortality Principle The Immortality Principle states that, because you are a spiritual being, you are also an immortal being.
The Unity Principle The Unity Principle states that there is no real separation between you and the universe, or between the universe and the Creative Principle itself.
The Karmic Principle The Karmic Principle states that every action you take – or fail to take – as a spiritual being will be followed by corresponding consequences.
The Resonance Principle The Resonance Principle, or Law of Attraction, states that you experience external events that are largely in tune with your spiritual expectations.
Spirituality Without the Woo Woo The aim of Spirituality for Seekers is to encourage the exploration of spirituality without the Woo-Woo.
Intuition: The Authority Within Your intuition is the only authority that you need on the subjective matter of spirituality.
Developing Spiritual Discernment Developing spiritual discernment means being aware of the differences between your intuition and the urges of your physical nature.
Practical Spirituality The more you pursue practical spirituality, the more effective you will be in all areas of your life.
Spirituality and Health Spirituality and health are not completely unrelated topics. On the contrary, the spirit plays an important role in physical health.
How to be Happy What exactly is happiness, and how can we attain it?
How to Find Peace of Mind Here are three powerful but easy-to-implement ideas that will be of use to those who are wondering how to find peace of mind.
Spiritual Keys to Material Success Discover how your spiritual development can help you to achieve greater levels of material success.
How to Improve Relationships The application of certain spiritual principles can bring about an improvement in relationships of all types.
The Universe is On Your Side The universe is on your side, and when you choose to believe this, you will view everything as a gift from the universe which has been given for your benefit.
Life is Your Teacher When you view life as your primary teacher in matters of spirituality, your life will, if you let it, teach you everything you need to know.
The Universe Listens and Cares The third spiritual belief that I recommend adopting is that the universe listens to and cares about you.
Scripture Study for Spiritual Seekers Whilst it not essential for a spiritual Seeker to study the scripture of any particular tradition, many find value in such a practice.
Chanting Mantras The spiritual practice of chanting mantras has been utilised for millennia, and involves verbally repeating a word, phrase or even an entire passage.
Fasting The spiritual practice of fasting is the deliberate abstention from a general or specified activity (most commonly, eating) for a specified length of time.
Generosity Generosity is a spiritual practice which is common to most traditions and involves giving value or assistance to other people and organisations.
Embracing Change Life is never as fixed, solid or permanent as most people would like to believe it to be. On the contrary, life is fluid and change happens.
The Kingdom Within One of the notions found in many spiritual traditions is that the most important things in life are not to be found in the physical world that lies outside ourselves, but within us.
Exploring Inner Space In this tutorial you will learn how to start exploring inner space by creating an inner meditation space for yourself.
How to Meet Your Inner Guide This Inner Guide meditation exercise is an excellent way for Seekers to access their innate wisdom.
A New Way to Look at Consciousness Is consciousness a product of the physical brain, or is it something that exists apart from the physical?
The Joy of Creating The joy of creating your life from moment to moment is one that can be developed in any and every situation.
How to Write Your Own Scriptures It can be a very good idea for the Seeker to write his own scriptures, and this post provides clear instructions for doing so.
Inner Guidance via Dreams Dreams have always been important to those on the path of the Seeker, and they can be a very good source of inner guidance for individuals who develop the skills required to remember and pay attention to them.
How to Listen to Your Dreams In this post I provide some ideas for those of you who would like to learn how to listen to your dreams with the intention of receiving spiritual guidance from the wisdom with you.
The Parable of The Dejected Acorn In which a dejected acorn learns why his efforts, prayers and even the Law of Attraction have all failed him.
The Hub of Equanimity Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life? One way to reduce your suffering is to understand what I call The Hub of Equanimity.
The Power of Perspective The secret to happiness in life is to learn to understand and use the Power of Perspective.
Spirituality in Daily Life For many people, there is a big difference between their spiritual lives and their daily lives. Why is this, and what can we do about it?
Reflections for the Advent Season The season of Advent is a very good time of year to reflect on the spiritual progress you have made over the last twelve months and to make plans for the year ahead.
How to Have Your Best Year Ever This year could turn out to be the best year of your life, because you are a spiritual being, and you have the opportunity to take your rightful place on the throne of your own life.
Why Create a Spiritual Path of Your Own? Why would you want to create a spiritual path of your own? After all, aren’t there already more than enough spiritual paths in the world?
The Power of Seeking There is no problem in your life that spiritual seeking cannot transform into something positive, but you must learn to seek correctly.
The Spiritual Way to Success is a new ongoing series of weekly lessons here at Spirituality for Seekers which is designed to help you to grow your own ‘crop of success’ the natural way.
The Power of Balance Just as achieving a work-life balance can benefit your work and home life, so achieving balance in other key areas can bring benefits to your spiritual life.
Choose Your Own Adventure How ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ games can teach us a lot about how we can let go of needless stress and live our lives more effectively.
The Parable of Dave the Wave explains why you may not be making the spiritual demonstrations you would like, and how to rectify the situation.
Ask Not What Your God Can Do for You… A lot of 21st-century spirituality is quite selfish, but our true motivation as spiritual seekers should be to serve our God as selflessly as possible.
Building a Spiritual Library is a series of posts for seekers who would like to study various spiritual traditions in some depth.
Christian Books for Spiritual Seekers recommends Bible translations and books that will give you access to the core teachings of Christianity.