In my previous article I shared accounts of several dreams which presented me with information that turned out to be accurate, as well as one dream which was far less accurate, at least in any literal sense.
In today’s post I will provide some ideas for those of you who would like to learn how to listen to your dreams with the intention of receiving spiritual guidance from the wisdom with you. This is not a complicated matter, but it does take a little time to develop the skill of listening to your dreams, so be patient with the process as you implement the ideas that follow…
1 – Know That You Are a Dreamer
Some people will insist that they don’t have dreams, but that is simply because they don’t usually remember any of them. Dreaming is almost as essential to the human experience as sleeping itself, and if you are in the habit of sleeping then you are also in the habit of dreaming. The first step to listening to your dreams is therefore to know that you are a dreamer, whether you tend to remember them or not.
2 – Set an Intention to Remember
Next, you should set yourself an intention to start remembering your dreams. Do this just before you turn the light out every night. If it helps, pause and say to yourself, ‘Tonight I will dream, and I intend to remember my dreams.’ Have a notebook and a pencil on your nightstand so that you can jot down any dream fragments as soon as you wake up. Having that notebook there will reinforce your intention to remember and make it more likely that you do in fact start recalling more of your dreams.
3 – Use Your Dream Notebook
You really should jot down anything that you can remember about your dreams as soon as you wake up, because the more awake you become, the less memory you will usually have of your dreams. You should therefore capture your dream memories as soon as you can. If you awaken at five in the morning with a vivid image in your mind, write it down before going back to sleep, because the chances are that the image will not be as vivid – or even one that you can recall – later on.
4 – Consider the Possibilities
By practicing the three previous steps, you will soon find that you start remembering more and more of your dreams. At this stage, you should start listening to what they have to tell you. There are three main possibilities for any dream recollection, which are as follows:
The dream meaning is literal. In this scenario, the dream content can be taken at face value, so if you dream that you ask for a promotion and you end up getting fired instead, you might do well to heed that warning and leave the promotion request for another time.
The dream meaning is symbolic. In this scenario, the dream situation might simply be trying to tell you something in a symbolic way. For example, the dream of asking for a promotion and getting fired might mean that, deep down, you don’t feel that you are worthy of a promotion, but that you are more deserving of losing your job completely. In that case, you might want to work on becoming a more valuable employee and/or increasing your sense of self-worth.
The dream has no meaning. Some dreams are little more than the result of your brain processing information, and therefore have no deeper meaning that you need to take note of.
5 – Develop Your Dream Intuition
Being able to tell the difference between a dream which should be taken literally, interpreted symbolically or discarded as meaningless is a skill that takes time to learn, and your only guide here is your intuition. Start by considering the dream from both literal and symbolic angles by asking yourself the following questions:
If the dream is literal, what is it saying?
If the dream is symbolic, what is it saying?
By asking these questions, you should soon get an intuitive feeling in favour of one interpretation or the other. If you get no intuitive response whatsoever then it could well be that the dream has no deeper meaning, and you can be happy with that outcome. However, do be prepared for a new perspective on the ‘meaningless’ dream to arise as the day progresses, as the relevance of some dreams only becomes apparent as you continue living your life.
6 – Heed Your Own Symbols
There are many ‘dream symbol dictionaries’ available which purport to provide explanations for what different symbols mean. Whilst such dictionaries can sometimes be useful in suggesting various possible meanings, it is important to understand that the symbols in your dreams were put there by your own subconscious, and so they will be personally relevant to you, and not necessarily to any external dictionary.
That being the case, learn to heed your own dream symbols by asking yourself what you personally associate with them. For example, if you always associate stamp collecting with boredom, and you dream of stamp collecting, you can safely assume that you were dreaming of boredom. On the other hand, if you are excited about stamp collecting, an interpretation of excitement would be more appropriate. Learning to understand and trust the symbolic language of your own subconscious mind will serve you far better than relying on the ‘cookie cutter’ approach offered by external dictionaries.
Receive Spiritual Guidance in Your Sleep
The skill of listening to your dreams is something that takes time to develop, but the good news is that you have the rest of your life to do so. The more you listen to your dreams, the more fruitful the exercise becomes, and before long you will be receiving spiritual guidance in your sleep on a regular basis.
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